Ten points

George from Seinfeld says that we have an agreement with the pigeons (I am pretty sure this extends to seagulls).

We don’t knock them over and they don’t shit on our cars.

Its safe to say this agreement has not been upheld on either side. My car used to constantly be the best gathering for all birds in the area who thought that a poo party was in order. I used to have a pigeon on my balcony, named Selwyn who I am sure used to recognize me; perhaps they are smarter than we give them credit for.

Crossing the road the other day, I noticed a beautiful white sea gull loitering about. I heard a taxi rushing up behind me as I got to the pavement I heard the most terrible noise – a cry of absolute pain. That careless asshole had knocked the bird over. I got to him in time to see him crawling under a car.

Having been in many taxis, I know the consensus in the taxi must have been “stupid bird they should learn to cross the road”, the taxi can do no wrong, but this is a story for another time. Safe to say no one inside the taxi lost any sleep over the incident.

I cant exactly claim to love these birds, many times I have been heard calling them rats with wings while having a swing at them because they were looking at my food in the wrong way. Yet an injured one always softens my heart.

The last great bird rescue of 09 my friend was largely responsible for – unfortunately Jerry died soon after rescue, which led me to believe that some times nature should be left to sort itself out.

But maybe, just maybe we as drivers can avoid playing ten points a hit with birds..

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